Instructions for mini Crostic Puzzle |

- Puzzle Goal
Determine the quote and author in the top grid and answer the clues in the bottom area.
Note that the first letters of the clue answers do not spell out the author's name/work
as in a full double crostic.
Each letter in the mini Crostic is shared between the quote and the answers to the clues.
The sharing of the letters can be seen in two ways:
- When a cell is selected in either the grid or the clue answers, it will be displayed
in light green; its corresponding shared cell is displayed in light gray.
- The small text at the top of the cell indicates where in the quote and in which clue the
letter belongs. For example, 35E would indicate that the letter was the 35th in the quote and
was also found in clue E. Note that in the bottom area, clue letters are redundant and not supplied
Word breaks occur only at the darkened squares in the grid and clue answers. Words in the grid
and in the clue answers wrap around from line to line unless ended by a darkened square.
- Mouse Control
Click on a grid or clue answer cell to enter a letter in that cell.
- Keyboard Control
- Arrows move the cursor up, down, left, or right.
- Typing a letter causes it to appear at the selected location in the puzzle; the cursor will then move to the next square.
- backspace clears the letter under the cursor, and moves the cursor to the left.
- delete clears the letter under the cursor.
- space clears the letter under the cursor and moves the cursor to the right.
- home and end move the selection to the beginning and end of the line/clue, respectively.
- ctrl-left and ctrl-right will move the cursor backward or forward to the next unentered blank.
Note that after clicking one of the buttons below the puzzle (Save, Clear, Hint, or Hide/Show Letters), you
must click on a letter before using the keyboard controls.
- Buttons
- Hide/Show Letters will toggle the appearance of the digit numbers/clue letters that appear in each cell.
- Hint: Reveal Letter will enter the correct letter at the selected location.
- Save records your progress. When you revisit this puzzle, your progress will be automatically loaded. Visit the help for more information.
- Reset will restart the puzzle.