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Instructions for Cryptogram Puzzle

  • Puzzle Goal

    This puzzle has two parts:

    1. Recover the original quote from the encrypted quote. Each letter in the original (plain) quote has been replaced with a letter from the cipher; for example, every 'A' in the original quote may appear as a 'C' above. In that case, to solve, an 'A' would be typed in the blank above a 'C' in the encipher quote.
    2. After the quote is recovered, a mixed alphabet of the "plain" letters is revealed. The objective is to determine the author of the quotation from the shuffled letters: the author's name is contained, with letters in order, in the mixed alphabet. Note, however, that only the first occurrence of a particular letter in the author's name appears in the shuffled order. For example, the name KENNEDY would appear in the "plain" alphabet as KENDY. The full name KENNEDY would then be entered into the author area to complete the puzzle solution.

    Useful information and techniques for solving can be found at Cryptopop's Hints.

  • Mouse Control

    Click on or just above a letter blank, or on one of the letters typed, to place the cursor selector on that letter. The Author part of the puzzle cannot be accessed until the quote has been solved.

  • Keyboard Control

    • Arrows move the cursor up, down, left, or right.
    • Typing a letter causes it to appear at the selected location in the puzzle. The cursor will move to the next square.
    • backspace clears the letter under the cursor, and moves the cursor to the left.
    • delete clears the letter under the cursor.
    • space clears the letter under the cursor and moves the cursor to the right.
    • home and end move the selection to the beginning and end of the line, respectively.
    • ctrl-left and ctrl-right will move the cursor backward or forward to the next unentered blank.

    Note that after clicking one of the buttons below the puzzle (Save, Clear, Highlight, Hint, or Cipher on Top/Bottom), you must click on a letter before using the keyboard controls.

  • Buttons

    • Highlight will toggle between highlighting only the letter on which the cursor rests and highlighting all occurrences of that particular letter in the cipher.
    • Cipher on Top/Bottom will change whether or not the cipher letters appear above or below the plain letters.
    • Hint: Reveal Letter will enter the correct letter at the selected location.
    • Save records your progress. When you revisit this puzzle, your progress will be automatically loaded. Visit the help for more information.
    • Clear will restart the puzzle.

  • Links

    After the puzzle is solved, a Click Here for Copyable appears in the lower right. Clicking this link causes a box to appear with the final solution. You can use ctrl-c or command-c to copy the text, which you may then paste into an email or other document.

    After clicking the link, you may click the same area again (the text has changed) to return to the puzzle solution.

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