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Skunk Hollow Farms
Growers of tomatoes, garlic, onions, and pistachios.
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August 5, 2002
Skunk Hollow Farms' 400 prime acres in the Central Valley produce four cash crops. Each of the Farms' geographical areas--the North 100, East 100, South 100, and West 100, where the North 100 is flanked by the East 100 and West 100, etc.--is devoted to a single crop whose production is overseen by one of the four farm managers. From the facts below, you should be able to solve this easier Logic Problem by producing each manager's full name (one last name is McDonald), the crop he manages, and the fields in which it is grown.

  1. The part of Skunk Hollow Farms Jed manages is flanked by the acres under Cropper and the pistachio fields.
  2. Waters' area of responsibility and the garlic growing land flank the part of the farms run by Lennie.
  3. George's acreage is flanked by that managed by Pickens and the onion fields.
  4. Jed and Waters both studied agronomy at Central Valley State College in Vidalia.
  5. Cropper formerly oversaw the garlic growing before taking over the management of his current acreage.
  6. Slim, who isn't in charge of the onion crop, isn't the manager of the East 100.
  7. The South 100 are devoted to producing tomatoes.
  8. Waters doesn't oversee the onion fields.

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