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Holes in One
Five miniature golf players score aces.
August 12, 2002
From the introduction, no two of the five scored a hole in one on the same hole of the 18 on the Putter Around Miniature Golf Course. Neither Brent (clue 2), Ryan (3), Ian (4), nor Tess (6) was the first to ace a hole, so Jana was. By clue 1, one of the five had a hole in one on the last green, the 18th. Neither Brent (2) nor Ian (4) did, so either Ryan or Tess aced the 18th hole. If Ryan had been the one to ace the 18th hole, by clue 3, the Loop-de-Loop which one golfer aced would be the 15th hole. The one who aced the 15th could not have been Brent, or the Camelback would be the 22nd hole (2); Ian, or the Giant Windmill would be the 20th hole (4); or Jana, since she scored the first hole in one, which had to be on the 3rd hole at the latest (5). Tess would have aced the Loop-de-Loop, and one golfer would have scored a hole in one on the 8th green (6). Again by clue 5, Jana couldn't have scored the ace on the 8th hole. Brent also couldn't have scored the hole in one on the 8th green, since then the Camelback would also be the 15th hole. So, Ian would have aced the 8th hole, and the Giant Windmill would be the 13th (4). Brent would have to be the one who aced the Giant Windmill--but then the Camelback would be the 20th hole (2). Therefore, Ryan didn't ace the 18th hole; Tess did. One of the others scored a hole in one on the 11th hole (6). By clue 5, Jana didn't ace the 11th. If Ian had aced the 11th hole, the Giant Windmill would be the 16th hole (4). Neither Jana (5) nor Brent (2) would have scored a hole in one on the 16th hole, so Ryan would have. Then the Loop-de-Loop would be the 13th hole (3). Jana would have scored her hole in one on the 3rd hole (5), and Brent would have aced the 13th--by clue 2, no. If Ryan had aced the 11th hole, by clue 3, the Loop-de-Loop would be the 8th hole. Brent couldn't have aced it, since Ian would have had to have aced the 15th Camelback (2), contradicting clue 4; nor could Jana have aced the 8th (5). Ian would have, and the Giant Windmill would be the 13th and aced by Brent--no again (2). Therefore, Brent scored his hole in one on the 11th hole. The Camelback is the 18th hole (2). By clue 5, one player scored an ace on hole 3, the Waterfall. Ryan didn't (3). If Ian had, then Jana would have aced the 1st or 2nd hole and the Giant Windmill would be the 8th (4), where Ryan would have scored a hole in one. But then the ace on the Loop-de-Loop would be on the 5th hole--a sixth hole, no. Therefore, Jana aced the Waterfall, the 3rd hole. Brent didn't score a hole in one on the Double Dogleg (2). If Brent had aced the Giant Windmill, Ian would have aced the 6th hole (4), which would have to be the Loop-de-Loop (3). Ryan would have scored his hole in one on the 9th hole (3). However, there would then be three holes in one on the front nine and two on the back, contradicting clue 7. So, Brent scored a hole in one on the Loop-de-Loop. Ryan's ace came on the 14th hole (3), the Giant Windmill (4). Ian scored a hole in one on the 9th hole (4), the Double Dogleg. The five miniature golf players scored holes in one as follows:

  • 3rd, Waterfall, Jana
  • 9th, Double Dogleg, Ian
  • 11th, Loop-de-Loop, Brent
  • 14th, Giant Windmill, Ryan
  • 18th, Camelback, Tess

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