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Ship in a Bottle
Five ship-in-a-bottle builders sell their first models.
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September 23, 2002
One of the classes offered this summer at Summerset Community College was Ship in a Bottle Building II, whose five graduates, including Rob, completed their classroom training as master model shipwrights. The five then sold their first ships in bottles at the school's August crafts fair to earn final certification. Given the log of the sales below, you should be able to determine the historical ship each shipwright modeled, the person's full name (one surname is Keeley), and the sum each earned for his or her first Ship in a Bottle.

  1. The ships sold for a high of $300 and a low of $100, with no two selling for the same sum.
  2. Master model shipwright Boatman, who isn't Chris, and the person whose first sale is a model of the Constellation are both avid Chesapeake Bay sailors.
  3. John, who isn't Maston, sold his ship in a bottle for twice as much as the model of the Titanic brought its builder.
  4. Kay isn't the graduate who modeled the Flying Cloud.
  5. The Bismarck in a bottle sold for half as much as Wheelock's creation did.
  6. The model Bonhomme Richard sold for twice as much as Chris's ship in a bottle, which isn't the Titanic.
  7. Maston's model went for $50 less than the Constellation did but for $100 more than the ship built by Art.
  8. The historical ship Decker chose as a first subject isn't the Bismarck.

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