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Foul Balls
In this All-Star Puzzles' Logic Problem challenger, the Jackson brothers take home Smashers souvenirs.
October 7, 2002
From the introduction, each of the Jacksons caught a baseball fouled off by a different Smashers player. By clue 1, each caught a ball in a different inning of the game, with one catching a foul during the 1st inning and another catching a foul during the 9th, or last, inning. Neither Jeff (clue 2), Jim (3), nor Jason (7) caught the 1st inning foul ball, so either John or Jason did. If John had caught the foul during the 1st inning, by clue 8, one boy would have caught a foul off the bat of Smashers' player Chance Evers in the 3rd inning. The latter wouldn't be Jason, who caught his souvenir in the 4th inning or later (7); nor would he be Jeff, who caught his ball two innings after one boy caught a foul off the bat of the catcher (2)--not John (8). If Jim had caught the Chance Evers foul, by clue 3, John would have snared the foul off the bat of Bobby Bunter in the 1st inning--no (1). If Jerry had caught the 3rd inning foul, by clue 9, one boy would have gotten his souvenir in the 5th inning off the bat of the first baseman (9). One of the three remaining boys would then have caught a foul ball in the 9th inning (1). If Jason had, the fifth foul ball catch would have been in the 6th inning (7) by Jeff or Jim, but then by clues 2 and 3, a sixth catch would have been made in the 4th inning. If either Jim or Jeff had made the 9th inning grab, by clues 2 and 3, the fifth catch would have been in the 7th inning, and there would be no way for Jason's foul ball catch to work (7). So, John did not catch the 1st inning foul; Jerry did, and the souvenir off the first baseman's bat came in the 3rd inning (9). By clue 8, John didn't catch the 9th inning foul ball, so either Jason, Jeff, or Jim did. If Jason had caught the 9th inning foul, by clue 7, John, Jeff, or Jim would have caught a Homer Long foul in the 6th inning. If John had caught the ball in the 6th inning, Jeff or Jim would have snagged a Chance Evers foul in the 8th (8). Jeff didn't, because he caught his souvenir two innings later than the boy who speared the catcher's foul (2) and John isn't the catcher (8); and Jim didn't, since he caught his foul two innings after a brother grabbed the Bobby Bunter foul (3) and no two catches came in the same inning. If either Jeff or Jim had snagged the 6th inning foul, by clues 2 and 3, the fifth catch would have been in the 4th inning. John couldn't have made that catch, since two innings after John's catch another boy nabbed a foul by Chance Evers (8) rather than Homer Long; nor could the other of Jeff or Jim have made the 4th inning grab, or one brother would have caught a ball in the 2nd inning (2,3), a sixth catch. So, there is no way for Jason to have caught the ball in the 9th inning and the other clues to work. Either Jeff or Jim made the 9th inning grab, so a fourth catch occurred in the 7th inning (2, 3). If the other of Jeff and Jim had made the 7th inning catch, the fifth souvenir would have come in the 5th inning (2, 3)--but there is no way for Jason's catch to occur without a sixth catch (7). If Jason had caught the 7th inning ball, the fifth catch would have occurred in the 4th inning (7). John couldn't have made it, or there would be a sixth foul souvenir in the 6th inning (8); nor could either of Jeff or Jim have made it, or there would be a sixth catch in the 2nd inning (2, 3). So, John garnered his souvenir ball in the 7th inning, with the Chance Evers foul ball then caught in the 9th (8). Since John didn't catch the catcher's foul (8), Jeff didn't make the 9th inning grab (2); Jim did, and John's 7th inning catch came off Bobby Bunter's bat (3). Jason couldn't have caught the 3rd inning foul (7), so Jeff did. Then Jerry snared the catcher's foul ball (2). Neither Jason (7) nor Jerry (9) grabbed the Homer Long foul, so Jeff did. Then Jason grabbed a foul in the 6th inning (7). By clue 6, Jason's grab came off the shortstop's bat. Then Milt Wheelhouse is the Smashers catcher (4); Rocky Glover plays shortstop. Chance Evers is the second baseman and Bobby Bunter the center fielder (5). In sum, the Jackson five caught Smashers foul balls to take home as souvenirs as follows:

  • 1st - Jerry off Milt Wheelhouse, catcher
  • 3rd - Jeff off Homer Long, first baseman
  • 6th - Jason off Rocky Glover, shortstop
  • 7th - John off Bobby Bunter, center fielder
  • 9th - Jim off Chance Evers, second baseman

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