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"American Star"
Five singers audition to go to New York City for the finals.
March 10, 2003
From the introduction, three women (Jenna, Kendra, Maria) and two men (Randy, Wayne) auditioned to go to the "American Star" finals in New York City. By clue 2, the man who sang "Billie Jean" was asked by Sidney, "This is a joke, right?" By clue 12, Ms. Goode sang "Bridge Over Troubled Water." Jenna isn't Ms. Goode (clue 8) and didn't sing "The Wonder of You" (1) or "The Dance" (8), so she performed "You Light Up My Life." Jenna isn't Hammond (1), Branch (3), or Mr. Dixon (5), so she is Lemon. Mr. Dixon didn't do "The Dance" (5) or "The Wonder of You" (9), so he sang "Billie Jean." By clue 1, Hammond did "The Dance"; and Branch sang "The Wonder of You." Neither Maria (5) nor Kendra (6) is Hammond, so Hammond is either Randy or Wayne and Branch is Kendra or Maria. Neither Jenna, Ms. Branch (3), nor Hammond (10) is the singer chosen to go to New York, so Ms. Goode is. She isn't Kendra (6) and is Maria; Kendra is Branch. Jenna Lemon wasn't told by Sidney, "You are the absolutely worst singer I have ever heard" (7) or "I don't know which I find most offensive--your voice or your selection of costume" (11), so she was told, "That was simply horrid." By clue 9, Kendra was berated for both her voice and outfit; so Hammond won the title of "absolutely worst singer." Hammond then is Wayne (4), and Randy Dixon. In sum, the Summerset auditions for "American Star" went as follows:

  • Jenna Lemon, "You Light Up My Life," "That was simply horrid"
  • Kendra Branch, "The Wonder of You," "I don't know which I find most offensive--your voice or your selection of costume"
  • Maria Goode, "Bridge Over Troubled Water," "You're going to New York City"
  • Randy Dixon, "Billie Jean," "This is a joke, right?"
  • Wayne Hammond, "The Dance," "You are the absolutely worst singer I have ever heard"

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