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"The Engagement"
Who wins the hand of Chrissie in the Real TV series.
March 17, 2003
From the introduction, six men remained in the "The Engagement" competition going into the 5th show, with one being eliminated in each of programs 5-9 and the winner appearing alone on show 10 with Chrissie. By clue 1, the last three men remaining in the "The Engagement," going into show 8, were Kevin, the waiter, and the man from Phoenix. By clue 7, Peter was rejected on the program immediately before the one where the pharmacist was eliminated; while the pharmacist was immediately followed off the series in the next show by the man from Tampa. So, the man from Tampa was eliminated on show 7, 8, or 9. If he had been rejected on the 9th program, with the pharmacist then exiting on the 8th and Peter on the 7th, since the Tampa man isn't the waiter (clue 4), the Tampa native would be Kevin in clue 1. Then by clue 1, the waiter would have won the competition, and the pharmacist would be from Phoenix--no (13). If the man from Tampa had been eliminated on the 8th program, since he isn't the waiter (4), by clue 1 he would be Kevin, with the pharmacist leaving after the 7th and Peter after the 6th shows. Since Alex isn't the pharmacist (13), by clue 2, Alex would have won the event, with the Omaha competitor let go after the 9th program. By clue 1, Alex would be from Phoenix, and the man from Omaha would be a waiter. By clue 10, Witt was rejected one show before the San Diego resident was rejected. If Witt were Peter, since the man from Tampa isn't the sheriff's deputy (4), by clue 8, Hart would be from San Diego--no (3). If Peter were from San Diego, since Hart isn't from San Diego (3) and the sheriff's deputy isn't from Tampa (4), by clue 8, Peter would be the sheriff's deputy and Hart the pharmacist. By clue 14, however, Alex would have to be the dentist, which he is not (6). Therefore, the man from Tampa wasn't eliminated on the 8th show. The Tampa resident was rejected on the 7th program, with the pharmacist then eliminated by Chrissie on the 6th and Peter on the 5th. By clue 2, the man from Omaha and then Alex lost on consecutive shows; so, since Alex isn't the pharmacist (13), Alex was rejected on the 7th or the 9th program of "The Engagement." If Alex had been eliminated on the 7th and the man from Omaha then on the 6th show, since Alex isn't Witt (6), Witt would have gone off after the 8th show and the man from San Diego after the 9th (10). Since Alex isn't the dentist (6), by clue 14, Alex would be Gray and Witt the dentist--a conflict with clue 6. Therefore, Alex wasn't eliminated after the 7th episode; he was the last man Chrissie rejected, and the man from Omaha went off after the 8th program. By clue 10, Witt is either Peter or the man from Omaha. If he were the man from Omaha and Alex were from San Diego, since Witt isn't the dentist (6), by clue 14, Gray would be the pharmacist and the dentist would be the man from Tampa. By clue 8, then, Alex from San Diego would be Hart--no (3). So, Witt is Peter; and the man from San Diego is a pharmacist. Since Hart isn't from San Diego (3) and the sheriff's deputy isn't from Tampa (4), by clue 8, the sheriff's deputy is the Omaha resident; and Alex is Hart. Alex isn't the dentist (6); by clue 14, therefore, Gray is the pharmacist and the Tampa resident the dentist. By clue 5, Short is the Omaha sheriff's deputy; and Alex Hart is a flight attendant. Alex must be from Phoenix in clue 1, with the waiter being the man Chrissie selected for marriage and Kevin being sheriff's deputy Short. By elimination, Peter is the golf pro--from Houston (9), with the winning waiter from Indianapolis. By clue 12, the waiter's last name is Frey; and Burke is the dentist. Winner Frey's first name is Jamie (11). By clue 12, Burke is Roger and Gray Charlie. In sum, the "The Engagement" episodes went as follows:

  • 5th - Peter Witt, Houston golf pro, eliminated
  • 6th - Charlie Gray, San Diego pharmacist, eliminated
  • 7th - Roger Burke, Tampa dentist, eliminated
  • 8th - Kevin Short, Omaha sheriff's deputy, eliminated
  • 9th - Alex Hart, Phoenix flight attendant, eliminated
  • 10th - Jamie Frey, Indianapolis waiter, engaged to Chrissie

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