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Beggars' Operetta
Local radio personalities beg in tune for charity.
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June 23, 2003
To raise money for the city's annual Community Chest drive, a radio personality from each of five different Summerset FM stations spent an hour last Thursday morning begging on a downtown street corner, singing songs in his or her station's music genre to entice passersby to contribute money. Given the bits below, can you solve this hard Logic Puzzle of each singing beggar's full name and station, the sum he or she raised, and the city corner where he or she worked (each was at the intersection of a different downtown street and avenue, including one at 1st Ave).

  1. Each of the five begged a different amount of money, from a high of $200 to a low of $80; the WHOB-FM personality isn't the one who made the $80.
  2. Jeff took in twice as much money singing his station's oldies as Miceli made singing country.
  3. Alice wasn't the one at the 7th Ave. corner in downtown Summerset.
  4. Neither the WHOB-FM nor the WMAY-FM on-air personality was the person who picked a Palmetto St. intersection as a prime begging spot.
  5. In the hour of panhandling, the WGIV-FM personality cadged $40 more from passing pedestrians than Lenderman, who isn't Molly, did.
  6. The beggar at the King St. corner gathered $20 less than the one at the 6th Ave. intersection and half as much as the WZZZ-FM personality did.
  7. Molly made more for the Community Chest than the radio personality who was at the corner of Lincoln St. and 5th Ave.; the latter isn't Chan.
  8. Returning fundraisers Chan, Green, and the WRKP-FM personality finished 1-2-3 in the most-money-begged order in last year's event.
  9. George and radio rival Lenderman made on-air bets with each other as to who would beg the most money.
  10. Jeff, who isn't on WZZZ-FM, ceded the Railroad St. intersection to another personality and moved to another corner.
  11. O'Henry and the personalities at the 3rd Ave. and 7th Ave. locales were asked by patrolling policemen to explain their panhandling activities.
  12. Daniel, who wasn't at the King St. intersection, brought in $20 more than the personality who worked the Harbor St. corner.

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