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Power Shift
Executives trade offices in Widgett, Inc.'s latest managerial shakeup.
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July 14, 2003
At Widgett, Inc., the pecking order of executives under CEO Norm Bates is easily determined: each senior executive has an office on a different floor 5th-9th of company headquarters, below the CEO's 10th floor spaces; and the closer to the 10th floor an executive works, the more in favor he or she is. Last week, the offices of the five senior executives, including the VP for Marketing, were swapped, signalling a power shift at the company. Given the data below, can you solve this tricky Logic Puzzle by determining who was on each floor before the move and who is there now: each executive's full name (one first name is Richard, one surname Dubois) and his or her position at Widgett, Inc.?

  1. Three of the five senior executives saw their power diminish as they moved down in the building, one dropping three floors; the two who gained power moved up three and two floors.
  2. Feldman didn't occupy the 7th floor office before the power shift.
  3. The Chief Information Officer moved up in the building to the suite vacated by Blocker.
  4. The VP for sales moved into the Chief Financial Officer's old spaces.
  5. Hazlett was moved down one floor in the shakeup, with Linda taking over Hazlett's office.
  6. Alice got Grayson's former suite, while Grayson moved into the office vacated by the VP for Human Resources. Both Alice and Grayson have seen their power diminish as they are assigned to lower floors than before.
  7. Michael left a pen set behind as a gift for Larry, who moved into Michael's old office.
  8. The executive who had the 9th floor office before the power shift didn't end up on the 8th floor afterwards.

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