By clue 3, Bobbin was sent to deliver presents to the house between the Donner
family's and the house where another elf got the mountain bike stuck in the
chimney; so Bobbin was sent to one of the middle three houses. By clue 7, one
elf knocked over the Christmas tree in the house between the Frosts' and the
one where Grouchy was sent. If Bobbin had knocked over the tree, then the
Frosts would have been getting the mountain bike delivered--no (clue 9). If
Bobbin had been sent to the middle house with the Donners' and bike incident
houses then to either side, by clue 7, the Donners would have had their tree
knocked over and Dobbin would have gone to the Frosts--but the Frosts don't
live next door to where the bike got stuck (9), so this combination can't work.
Bobbin was sent to either 103 or 107 Snowflake Lane, with either the Donners
or the family getting the mountain bike then in 105. If the latter were in
105 with the Donners then in one of the two outside houses, by clue 7 (since
Bobbin didn't knock over the tree (3, 7, 9)), the tree would have fallen in
the house to the other side of the house where the elf got the bike stuck in
the chimney from where Bobbin was sent. By clues 7 and 9, the Frosts would
live in the other outside house, and Grouchy would have gotten the bike caught
in the chimney. By clues 6 and 9, Tiny Tim would have visited the Donners and
Bobbin the Rudolphs. By clues 2 and 4, Santa would have rescued an elf from the
Chihuahua at the Frosts; but since neither Bigfoot nor Ollie needed rescuing
from the dog (5), this arrangement fails. Therefore, the Donners live at 105 and
the family getting the bike in the outside house next door to where Bobbin was
dispatched. If the Donners had had their tree crashed to the floor, the Frosts
would live in the house to which Bobbin was sent (7) next to the house where
the bike got stuck--no (9). The tree was knocked over in the house next to
the Donners on the side opposite where Bobbin needed rescuing. By clue 7, the
Frosts live in the outside house next to the house where the tree fell, and
Grouchy was sent to the Donner residence. By clues 6 and 9, Tiny Tim got the
mountain bike stuck in the chimney, and Bobbin was in the Rudolph residence.
The Rudolphs aren't the family whose Chihuahua cornered one elf (4). By clues
2 and 5, then, Grouchy was trapped by the dog, and the Starrs' tree went down.
By elimination, the Whites had the bike stuck in their chimney. If Bigfoot
had gone to the Frosts, their address would be 101 Snowflake Lane (8), with
Ollie then visiting 103, contradicting clue 10. So Bigfoot went to the Starr
house and Ollie to the Frosts'. By clue 10, Ollie was found eating the
Frosts' Christmas candy, and Bobbin delivered the Barbie dolls to the five
Rudolph boys. By clue 1, the Frosts live at 109 Snowflake Lane; The Starrs
are at 107, the Donners at 105, the Rudolphs at 103, and the Whites at 101.
In sum, Santa Claus came to the rescue last Christmas as follows:
- 101 - the Whites, Tiny Tim got bike stuck in chimney
- 103 - the Rudolphs, Bobbin delivered Barbie dolls to the five boys
- 105 - the Donners, Grouchy was cornered by the family Chihuahua
- 107 - the Starrs, Bigfoot knocked over the Christmas tree
- 109 - the Frosts, Ollie was eating the family Christmas candy