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Deli Lunch
Dino's specialty sandwiches satisfy lunch cravings for four diners.
September 6, 2004
By clue 1, the four deli lunchers are named : Jack sat opposite Foster, while Riley sat opposite the person who had the hot pastrami sandwich. There are then two possible ways for the four to have sat in clockwise order around the table: Jack, then Riley to Jack's left, then Foster, and then the person who ordered the hot pastrami; or Jack, then the person who ordered the hot pastrami to Jack's left, then Foster, and then Riley. Trying the second arrangement, by clue 4, Anne would have had the hot pastrami and Jack the pit beef sandwich. Jack would be Morgan, and Riley would have eaten the Polish sausage (clue 3). Foster would have had the Reuben. However, clue 2 now conflicts with this ordering. So, the second possibility fails; and the four lunched in clockwise order Jack, then Riley to Jack's left, then Foster, and then the person who ordered the hot pastrami. By clue 3, since Jack sat to the left of the person having the hot pastrami, Jack isn't Morgan; Morgan had the hot pastrami and Foster the Polish sausage. Jack is Walker. By clue 4, Anne must be Foster, with Riley enjoying a pit beef sandwich. Jack ate the Reuben. By clue 2, Cass is Morgan; Riley's first name is Dave. The four sat at lunch at Dino's Deli in the following order going clockwise around the table:

  • Anne Foster, Polish sausage
  • Cass Morgan, hot pastrami
  • Jack Walker, Reuben
  • Dave Riley, pit beef

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