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It's Valentine's Day--Uh-Oh!
Forgetful fellows rush to get last-minute Valentine's Day gifts.
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February 14, 2005
This morning at the Markhall Greeting Card Co., when sales figures for the 2005 Valentine's Day campaign were announced, five of the staff were rudely reminded that it is the day for those in love and that they had completely forgotten to get gifts for their sweethearts. So, the five rushed out during lunch and bought gifts, one purchasing a dozen red roses. From the clues below, can you solve this heart-y Logic Puzzle by getting each forgetful fellow's full name, his position at Markhall Cards, and the last minute gift he bought today?

  1. The five forgetful fellows are Nick, Mr. Cross, the artist, the writer, and the man who bought theater tickets.
  2. Mr. Everton isn't the designer.
  3. Paul, who isn't Austin, isn't the one who purchased the Godiva chocolates.
  4. Mr. Benitez isn't the marketing director or the designer.
  5. Tony, who isn't the designer, bought a book of poetry for his beloved.
  6. Nick and the sales rep went to the mall together to make their purchases.
  7. Last-minute shopper Sam Donahue isn't the designer.
  8. Roger isn't the forgetful fellow who writes verses for the cards.
  9. Mr. Austin, who isn't Nick, made a lunchtime purchase of a heart pendant for his valentine.

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