All-Star Puzzles
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City All-Stars
Ten talented players make the Central City All-Star boys basketball team.
March 14, 2005
From the introduction, each of the six city schools placed at least one player on the two all-star teams, each of which consists of a center, two forwards, and a guard. By clue 6, the five 1st team all-stars are Mark, Nick, Johnson, the all-star center, and the only 1st team all-star from Wilson High. By clue 4, 1st teamers Tony and Bird play for the same high school--not Wilson in clue 6. Bird is neither Nick (clue 4) nor Mark (10), so Bird is the all-star center. Tony is Johnson, since he doesn't attend Wilson. By clue 8, Jefferson High has its only all-star player at forward on the 1st team. He isn't Tony Johnson or center Bird, who are teammates (4) and isn't Mark (10); he is Nick. By clue 4, the 1st team all-star guard from Washington High is Mark. Tony and center Bird don't play for Roosevelt, which only has one all-star player (7), or Madison (11); they play for Lincoln. The five 2nd team City All-Stars are given in clue 7: Brad, Chris Stockton, the one Roosevelt High all-star, and the two 2nd team forwards. By clue 8, 2nd team all-stars Steve and Ewing play for the same high school team. If Ewing were a forward, by clue 1, Steve would have to play for Roosevelt--which only has one all-star. So, Ewing must be Brad, with Steve at forward on the 2nd team. We know that Washington (4), Roosevelt (7), and Jefferson (8) each have only one player on the two teams; we also know that since King plays for Lincoln (3) and must be on the 2nd team, Lincoln has three players of the 10. By clue 6, Wilson also has a second all-star on the 2nd team but not a third (1) or fourth (Madison would then have no all-stars). This makes the last two mentions Steve and Brad Ewing from Madison High. King from Lincoln is a F on the 2nd team (3). By clue 1, the position Tony plays must be guard, with the Wilson 1st teamer at forward. Chris Stockton plays for Wilson (6). By clue 9, West must be Nick. Brad is a guard (11). Mark isn't Malone (2), Robinson (4), or Russell, who is Jeff (12) and is Frazer. By clue 5, all-star guard John must be on the Roosevelt squad, with Chris then the 2nd team center. League scoring champion Jeff Russell (12) is Wilson's 1st team forward. Alex is Bird and Dan King (3). By clue 2, John is Robinson and Steve Malone. In sum, the City All-Star teams are

  • 1st Team --
  • C Alex Bird, Lincoln
  • F Nick West, Jefferson
  • F Jeff Russell, Wilson
  • G Mark Frazer, Washington
  • G Tony Johnson, Lincoln

  • 2nd Team --
  • C Chris Stockton, Wilson
  • F Dan King, Lincoln
  • F Steve Malone, Madison
  • G Brad Ewing, Madison
  • G John Robinson, Roosevelt

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