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Five flower children turned responsible adults reunite at Woodstock.
June 13, 2005
By clue 1, two of the Woodstock five are Jean and Ms. Wilcox, who say their favorite artist was Jimi Hendrix. By clue 5, the third and fourth women returning to remember Woodstock are the one once nicknamed Tattoo and the one who is CEO of Moon Microsystems, both of whose favorite artist was Janis Joplin. The fifth friend then is the Arlo Guthrie fan who is now a United States Representative (clue 9). Carol in clue 9 must either be Wilcox, have been nicknamed Tattoo, or be the CEO. If Carol had been known at Woodstock as Tattoo, then both the CEO (5) and the U.S. Representative (9) would have come the same distance to attend the reunion, contradicting the introduction. If Carol were the CEO, then by clue 1 and clues 5 and 9, either the woman once nicknamed Tattoo or Jean would have traveled the farthest, 1,000 miles (11). If Tattoo had come 1,000 miles to attend the reunion, Carol would have come 800 (5) and the U.S. representative 600 (9) miles. Then in clue 1, Ms. Wilcox would have traveled the shortest distance, 300 miles (2), with Jean coming 500. However, there is no way clue 3, where Saffron traveled twice as far as Ms. Hardin, can then work. If Jean had traveled the 1,000 miles, Ms. Wilcox would have come 800 (1). The woman who is a U.S. Representative would have come the fewest, 300 (2) miles, with CEO Carol then traveling 500 and the woman once nicknamed Tattoo 700 (5, 9). For clue 3 to work, however, Jean would have to be the one nicknamed Saffron and Carol would have to be Ms. Hardin, which she isn't (3). So, Carol in clue 9 must be Ms. Wilcox. Then by clues 1 and 9 and clue 5, either the woman once nicknamed Tattoo or Jean would have traveled the farthest, 1,000 miles (11). If Tattoo had come 1,000 miles to attend the reunion, the CEO would have come 800 miles (5). Then in clues 1 and 9, the U.S. Representative would have traveled the shortest distance, 300 miles (2), with Carol Wilcox coming 500 and Jean 700. Again, however, there is no way clue 3, where Saffron traveled twice as far as Ms. Hardin, can then work. Therefore, Jean came the farthest, 1,000 miles, to attend the Woodstock reunion. Carol Wilcox came 800 (1) and the U.S. Representative 600 (9). In clue 5, the CEO came the fewest miles, 300, and the woman once known as Tattoo came 500. In clue 3, the woman once nicknamed Saffron is either Jean or the U.S. Representative. If she were the U.S. Representative, Ms. Hardin then would be the CEO. Since Teresa's nickname wasn't Tattoo (8), either Alice's or Linda's was. Since neither is the TV anchor (6), the TV anchor wouldn't have been called Tattoo in 1969; nor is the TV anchor Jean (11). The TV anchor would be Carol Wilcox. Her nickname then wouldn't have been Krazy Kat (4) or Dancer (10) and would have been Happy. Jean's nickname would be Krazy Kat (1), which conflicts with clue 11. Therefore, Saffron must have been Jean's nickname, with Ms. Hardin then known as Tattoo. By clue 4, the CEO's nickname at Woodstock was Krazy Kat. By clue 7, Ms. Hardin is a newspaper editor today, and Jean is a police chief. Carol's nickname was Happy and U.S. Representative's Dancer (10). Neither Teresa (8) nor Alice (12) is Ms. Hardin, so Linda is. Ms. Davis isn't the one who had the nickname Dancer (10) and isn't the CEO (13); Ms. Davis is Jean. Ms. Barkley now serves in Congress (2), and Ms. Simon is CEO of Moon Microsystems. By clue 12, Alice is Ms. Barkley and Teresa Ms. Simon. In sum, the five Woodstock alumnae returning are

  • Jean Davis, Saffron, police chief, 1,000 miles
  • Carol Wilcox, Happy, TV anchor, 800 miles
  • Alice Barkley, Dancer, U.S. Representative, 600 miles
  • Linda Hardin, Tattoo, newspaper editor, 500 miles
  • Teresa Simon, Krazy Kat, Moon Microsystems CEO, 300 miles

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