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Letter Dice 7
Can you deduce which six letters are on each die?
June 20, 2005
According to the introduction, each of the 24 faces of the Letter Dice has a different letter on it; the letters Q and X do not appear. Given the word DOZE, we arbitrarily assign D to die 1, O to die 2, Z to die 3, and E to die 4. From POND, P isn't on die 1 or die 2; while from PELT, P isn't in die 4. P is on die 3, with N then on die 4 (POND). Given PELT, T isn't on die 3 with P or die 4 with E; and from VOTE, E isn't on die 2 with O. T is on die 1 and V then on die 3. From PELT, L is on die 2. A isn't on die 1 or die 4 (WANT), nor is A on die 2 (MAIL); A is on die 3, with the W in WANT on die 2. U isn't on die 3 with A or die 4 with N, given FAUN; nor is U on die 2 with L (CLUB). U is on die 1. The F on FAUN is on die 2. C isn't on die 1 (CLUB), die 2, or die 4 (CONK) and is on die 3. Then B is on die 4 (CLUB) and K on die 1 (CONK). R isn't on die 3 or die 4 (BRAG), nor on die 1 (JERK). R is on die 2, with G on die 1 (BRAG) and J on die 3 (JERK). If the I in MAIL were on die 4, with the M then the sixth letter on die 1, there would be no place for the S or H in SHIP to fit. So, the I in MAIL is on die 1, with the M on die 4. If the S in SHIP were on die 4 with the H completing die 2, there would be no place for the Y in DAYS. So, the S in SHIP is on die 2 and the H on die 4. The Y in DAYS then completes die 4. In sum, the letters on the four dice of Letter Dice 7 (in order of recovery) are


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