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Ghosts in the White House
Local actors give the audience big laughs in this production of the Oval Office comedy hit
August 8, 2005
From the introduction, a different Presidential ghost appears in each scene of the play, which is in two acts of three scenes each. By clue 4, Greg's ghost role comes in Act 2, before the ghost of James Buchanan appears (clue 8). So, (1) Greg first comes on stage in Act 2, Scene 1 with the ghost of James Buchanan appearing in Act 2, Scene 2; (2) Greg first comes on stage in Act 2, Scene 1 with the ghost of James Buchanan appearing in Act 2, Scene 3; or (3) Greg first comes on stage in Act 2, Scene 2 with the ghost of James Buchanan appearing in Act 2, Scene 3. Trying (1), by clue 5, the ghost played by Mr. Prince, Herbert Hoover's ghost, and the ghost portrayed by Lou appear in consecutive scenes. If they were in the three scenes of Act 1, then Mr. Rose would either play Herbert Hoover's ghost or be Lou (2)--no (10). Mr. Prince would be in Act 1, Scene 3, Greg would play Herbert Hoover's ghost, and James Buchanan's ghost would be portrayed by Lou. However, there is then no way for the ghost played by Frank in clue 2 to appear. So, (1) above fails. Trying (2), again by clue 5, the ghost played by Mr. Prince, Herbert Hoover's ghost, and the ghost portrayed by Lou appear in consecutive scenes. If they were in the three scenes of Act 1, then Mr. Rose would either play Herbert Hoover's ghost or be Lou (2)--no (10). Either Mr. Prince is in Act 1, Scene 3 or Mr. Prince is Greg. If Mr. Prince were in Act 1, Scene 3, then Greg would play Herbert Hoover's ghost and Lou would be in Act 2, Scene 2--playing Andrew Johnson's ghost (2), a conflict with clue 7. If Prince were Greg, then the ghost of Herbert Hoover would be in Act 2, Scene 2 and Lou would play James Buchanan's ghost. By clue 2, Greg's role would be as Andrew Johnson's ghost and Frank's as Herbert Hoover's. By clue 1, Grover Cleveland's ghost would be in Act 1, Scene 1, Hal's part would be in Act 1, Scene 2, and Mr. Queen would be on stage in Act 1, Scene 3. Then by clue 3, Ken would be Queen, with William Howard Taft's ghost appearing in Act 1, Scene 2. By elimination, Ken Queen's role would be as Warren G. Harding's ghost--no (9). So, (2) above fails and we have (3), Greg first comes on stage in Act 2, Scene 2 with the ghost of James Buchanan appearing in Act 2, Scene 3. By clue 2, James Buchanan's ghost is played by Frank. Again by clue 5, the ghost played by Mr. Prince, Herbert Hoover's ghost, and the ghost portrayed by Lou appear in consecutive scenes. If they were in the three scenes of Act 1, then Mr. Rose would either play Herbert Hoover's ghost or be Lou (2)--no (10). Mr. Prince is on stage in Act 1, Scene 2, Herbert Hoover's ghost is in Act 1, Scene 3, and Lou appears in the play in Act 2, Scene 1. Since Lou doesn't play Andrew Johnson's ghost (7), by clue 2, Greg does. By clues 2 and 10, Mr. Rose appears in Act 1, Scene 1. By clue 1, Hal appears in Scene 2 or Scene 3 of Act 1. If he were in Scene 3, Lou would be Queen. By clue 3, the ghost of William Howard Taft would be in Scene 1 of Act 1, with Ken in Scene 2. Grover Cleveland's ghost would be in Act 1, Scene 2 (1), with Warren G. Harding's ghost then played by Lou Queen--no (9). So, in clue 1, Hal is on stage in Act 1, Scene 2, with Mr. Queen in Act 1, Scene 3; and Grover Cleveland's ghost is first to appear in the play. By clue 3, Hal Prince portrays the ghost of William Howard Taft; and Ken is Queen. By elimination, Joe is Rose, and Lou's role is as Warren G. Harding's ghost. Since Greg isn't Mr. Oates (4), by clue 6, Frank is. Finally, by clue 7, Lou is Trask and Greg Stone. In sum, the Ghosts in the White House appear on stage as follows:

  • Act 1, Scene 1: Grover Cleveland's ghost, played by Joe Rose
  • Act 1, Scene 2: William Howard Taft's ghost, played by Hal Prince
  • Act 1, Scene 3: Herbert Hoover's ghost, played by Ken Queen
  • Act 2, Scene 1: Warren G. Harding's ghost, played by Lou Trask
  • Act 2, Scene 2: Andrew Johnson's ghost, played by Greg Stone
  • Act 2, Scene 3: James Buchanan's ghost, played by Frank Oates

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