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Sand Sculpture Super Bowl
Fantastic sand sculptures draw beachgoers to end-of-summer festivities.
October 10, 2005
By clue 1, the Ocean Spray Hotel sand scupltors finished one place ahead of the team that sculpted the Alamo; the Ocean Spray is also 5 blocks north of the hotel sponsoring the Alamo team. By clue 3, the team sculpting the giraffe finished one place ahead of the Princess Royale's team, with the hotel sponsoring the giraffe sculptors 6 blocks south of the Princess Royale. Between the two clues, therefore, four of the five winning teams are named. By clue 5, the team sculpting President George W. Bush finished one place ahead of the Del Mar Hotel's team, with the hotel sponsoring the Bush sculptors 4 blocks north of the Del Mar. The teams in clue 5 therefore cannot overlap the teams in clue 1 and must overlap the teams in clue 3: either the Princess Royale team sculpted Pres. Bush or the Del Mar Hotel team created the giraffe. We will test the second possibility, that the Del Mar Hotel team created the giraffe. Since the hotel sponsoring the winning team is on 9th St. (clue 6), by clue 3, the hotel sponsoring the giraffe sculptors would be on 1st St. or 2nd St. and the Princess Royale on 7th St. or 8th St. The hotel sponsoring the team that made the sandy George W. Bush would then be on 5th St. or 6th St. (5). The hotel on 9th St. whose team won the event would be the Ocean Spray in clue 1, with the 2nd place team who did the Alamo sponsored by the hotel on 4th St--by clue 2 the Sand Dollar, with the hotel whose team did the Bush sculpture the Blue Dolphin. However, the latter would be on 5th St. or 6th St., north of the Sand Dollar and a conflict with clue 2. So, the Del Mar Hotel team did not create the sand giraffe; the Princess Royale team sculpted Pres. Bush. Since the hotel sponsoring the winning team is on 9th St. (6), the team sculpting the giraffe didn't win the contest (3). The Ocean Spray hotel team in clue 1 placed 1st, with the hotel sponsoring the 2nd-place Alamo scupltors then on 4th St. Combining clues 3 and 5, the hotel sponsoring the giraffe scultors is on 1st St. or 2nd St., the Princess Royale on 7th St. or 8th St., and the Del Mar Hotel on 3rd St. or 4th St.--but by the introduction, no two hotels are on the same street, so the Del Mar can't be on 4th. The Del Mar is on 3rd, the Princess Royale on 7th, and the hotel whose team made the giraffe on 1st. The latter is the Blue Dolphin (2), with the Alamo sculpted by the Sand Dollar's team. Finally, the Ocean Spray sculptors created a battleship and the Del Mar team Three Blind Mice (4). In sum, the teams winning prizes in the Sand Sculpture Super Bowl are

  • 1st -- battleship, Ocean Spray Hotel, 9th St.
  • 2nd -- the Alamo, Sand Dollar Hotel, 4th St.
  • 3rd -- giraffe, Blue Dolphin Hotel, 1st St.
  • 4th -- President George W. Bush, Princess Royale Hotel, 7th St.
  • 5th -- Three Blind Mice, Del Mar Hotel, 3rd St.

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