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"Most Likely to ..."
Five Summerset High graduates are honored in the school yearbook as "Most Likely to ..."
June 19, 2006
From the introduction three girls--Hannah, Layla, and Kerrie--and two boys--Ian and Jason--won the five "Most Likely to ..." mentions in the high school yearbook. By clue 1, Jason and the Ash girl were the Senior Prom king and queen; while by clue 8, the Epps girl also attended the big dance. By clue 6, the graduate named "Most Likely to Become President" did not attend the prom. So, among clues 1, 6, and 8, four of the five are named: Jason, the Ash girl, the Epps girl, and the classmate named "Most Likely to Become President." By clue 3, then, Ian is the fifth honoree, being named "Most Likely to End Up Wearing a Number." Since the two boys' surnames are Clark and Dunn (clue 2), the one named "Most Likely to Become President" is the Black girl. She isn't Hannah (6) or Kerrie (7) and is Layla. Kerrie isn't "Most Likely to Walk on Mars" (5) or "Most Likely to Appear on the Cover of Sports Illustrated" (7), so her classmates think Kerrie is "Most Likely to Win an Oscar." By clue 4, then, Kerrie is the Epps girl; and Hannah is the Ash girl. By clue 2, Hannah is the grad "Most Likely to Appear on the Cover of Sports Illustrated." By elimination, Jason is "Most Likely to Walk on Mars." Jason's last name is Clark, and Ian's is Dunn (5). In sum, the 2006 Summerset High School graduates who are "Most Likely to ..." are

  • Hannah Ash, "Most Likely to Appear on the Cover of Sports Illustrated"
  • Kerrie Epps, "Most Likely to Win an Oscar"
  • Layla Black, "Most Likely to Become President"
  • Ian Dunn, "Most Likely to End Up Wearing a Number"
  • Jason Clark, "Most Likely to Walk on Mars"

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