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Comic Strips
Comic strip creators remember their newspaper debuts.
September 11, 2006
Four of the comic strip creators are given in clue 1: Chuck has been with Omni Press twice as long as Schultz, while Dave has been in the papers twice as long as the creator of Rocky Rodeo. By clue 6, Bill isn't Schultz and doesn't draw Rocky Rodeo, so he is the fifth cartoonist to the four in clue 1. Either Scultz or the creator of Rocky Rodeo in clue 1 or Bill has been with the syndicate the shortest time--6 years (clue 7). By clue 4, Bill doesn't draw L'il Lil, nor would Schultz. Either Chuck or D would draw L'il Lil. If Chuck drew the strip, Bill would have 6 years experience and Young 16 (4). If Young were Dave, the Rocky Rodeo creator would have 8 years with the funnies--a total of 44 years, contradicting the 66 years total experience noted in the introduction. If Dave drew L'il Lil, Bill would have 6+, Dave 12+, and Young 16+ years with Omni Press--but Young couldn't be Chuck (12 years experience) or the creator of Rocky Rodeo, who has half as many as Dave. If the creator of Rocky Rodeo were the one with 6 years as a syndicated cartoonist, Dave would have 12 (1). By clue 4, Young isn't Bill and would have 16+ years experience, so he wouldn't be Dave or the creator of Rocky Rodeo. Young would be Chuck. Schultz couldn't draw L'il Lil since the difference between Schultz and Chuck has to be at least 6 (1, 7) and would be 4 (4). Neither Young nor Bill draws L'il Lil (4), so Dave would. Then Young would have 16 and Bill 6 years experience (4), with Schultz having 8--a total of 48 and a conflict with the 66 years total experience noted in the introduction. Therefore, Bill has the least experience of 6 years, with the L'il Lil artist having 12 and Young 16 (4). If Chuck drew L'il Lil, Schultz would have 6 years with the Omini Press (1). If Dave were Young, the creator of Rocky Rodeo would have 8 years with the syndicate (1)--a total of 48 and a conflict with the intro. If the creator of Rocky Rodeo were Young, Dave would have 32 years with the syndicate (1)--a total of 72 and a conflict with the intro. If Dave drew L'il Lil, the creator of Rocky Rodeo would have 6 years with the Omni Press (1). Chuck would be Young, and Schultz would have 8 years experience (1)--a total of 48 and a conflict with the intro. Therefore, Schultz has drawn L'il Lil for 12 years. By clue 1, Chuck has been doing his comic strip for 24 years. If the creator of Rocky Rodeo were Young, Dave would have 32 years with the syndicate (1)--a total of 86 and a conflict with the intro. Dave is Young, and the creator of Rocky Rodeo has 8 years with the syndicate (1). By clue 5, Ed draws Rocky Rodeo and Art Schultz L'il Lil. Chuck is then Walker (5). By clue 2, Sock is Bill Capp's work; and Adams is Ed. Finally, by clue 3, Chuck Walker draws Filbert and Dave Young Goobers. In sum, the five comic strip creators celebrating the anniversaries of their strips' debuts are

  • Chuck Walker, Flibert, 24 years
  • Dave Young, Goobers, 16 years
  • Art Schultz, L'il Lil, 12 years
  • Ed Adams, Rocky Rodeo, 8 years
  • Bill Capp, Sock, 6 years

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