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Friday At the Lunch Counter
County officials have their customary Friday lunch at the Summerset Grill.
September 18, 2006
From the clues, there are three men (Daniel, John, Robert) and two women (Karen, Linda) among the five officials eating lunch together. By clue 1, Mr. Harmon sat between the County Sheriff and the person who drank tea; while by clue 5, the Register of Wills sat between Linda and the person who had an apple dumpling for dessert. If Mr. Harmon were Register of Wills, the Sheriff would be Linda--no (clue 10)--or would have had the apple dumpling--no (14). Therefore, Mr. Harmon and the Register of Wills either sat next to each other on two of the three inside stools or sat flanking the stool in the middle. If Mr. Harmon and the Register of Wills had sat next to each other, the Sheriff would have sat on the other side of Harmon from the Regster of Wills, who would have had tea (1), with Linda then on the other side of the Register of Wills from Mr. Harmon, who would have had the apple dumpling (5). By clue 11, the person who had an egg salad sandwich sat between the Clerk of Courts and the one who enjoyed the hot fudge sundae. The person who had the egg salad sandwich couldn't have sat to the outside of Linda or the Sheriff or there would be six people. Since the Clerk of Courts wouldn't be Harmon (2), who would have had the apple dumpling, the person who had the egg salad sandwich wouldn't be the Sheriff (11). If Linda had had the egg salad sandwich, the person in clue 11 who ordered the hot fudge sundae for dessert would have drunk tea--no (7). If the Register of Wills had had the egg salad, Linda would have had the hot fudge sundae and Clerk of Courts Harmon would have had the apple dumpling--no (2). Therefore, in clues 1 and 5, Mr. Harmon and the Register of Wills sat on the stools flanking the middle one. By clue 1, either the Sheriff or the person who drank tea sat on the middle stool. If the Sheriff had sat on the middle stool, the person who had tea would have sat in the end stool next to Mr. Harmon (1). By clue 5, since Linda isn't the Sheriff (10), the Sheriff would have had an apple dumpling for lunch--no (14). So, in clue 1, the person who sat on the middle stool drank tea for lunch, and the Sheriff had the end stool next to Mr. Harmon. By clue 5, either Linda or the person whose dessert was an apple dumpling sat on the middle stool. If the person who had an apple dumpling sat on the middle stool, Linda would have had the stool to the outside of the Register of Wills (5). By clue 11, the person who had an egg salad sandwich sat between the Clerk of Courts and the one who enjoyed the hot fudge sundae. Since the Clerk of Courts didn't have the apple dumpling (2), Harmon wouldn't have had the egg salad. Since the Clerk of Courts didn't have the apple dumpling (2) and the person who had the hot fudge sundae didn't have tea (7), the Register of Wills wouldn't have had egg salad. The egg salad sandwich would have been ordered by the person who sat on the middle stool. Then Harmon would be the Clerk of Courts and the Register of Wills would have had the hot fudge sundae (11). By clue 4, John sat to the County Commissioner's immediate right. If Linda were the County Commissioner, John would have had the hot fudge sundae for dessert, which he did not (15); so the person who sat in the middle would be the County Commissioner and John would be Harmon (15). By clue 3, Daniel would be the County Commissioner--by clue 9, no. So, in clue 5, Linda rather than the person who had the apple dumpling sat in the middle stool with the person who had the apple dumpling in the stool outside the one the Register of Wills sat on. By clue 11, the person who had an egg salad sandwich sat between the Clerk of Courts and the one who enjoyed the hot fudge sundae. Since the Clerk of Courts didn't have tea (2), Harmon couldn't have had the egg salad. Since the Clerk of Courts didn't have tea or an apple dumpling (2), the Register of Wills didn't have the egg salad sandwich. Linda ordered the egg salad. Then in clue 11 the Register of Wills ordered a hot fudge sundae for dessert and Harmon is the Clerk of Courts. By clue 4, John sat to the County Commissioner's immediate right. Since John didn't have the hot fudge sundae (15), he must be Harmon and Linda is County Commissioner. We now also know that the order left-to-right as the waitress saw the five is that the Sheriff was on the far left and the person who ordered the apple dumpling on the far right stool. By elimination, the person who had the apple dumpling is the Justice of the Peace. By clue 3, Daniel is the one who ordered the apple dumpling, and the Register of Wills had a hot dog. By clue 6, Robert is the Register of Wills; Karen is County Sheriff. Daniel didn't have the bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich (6) or the hamburger (13), so he had a tuna melt. Then Mr. Jones is Robert (16). By clue 13, the person who had the hamburger sat next to the one who had chocolate cake. If Karen had had the hamburger, John would have had the chocolate cake and, by elimination, the B-L-T--no (17). So, John had the hamburger and Karen the B-L-T, with Linda having chocolate cake for dessert (13, 17). By clue 17, Karen had a cinnamon roll and John lemon meringue pie for dessert. Then Ms. Baker is Linda (8). Karen is Wilcox and Daniel Stahl (18). By clue 12, John had a Sprite. By clue 16, Karen had coffee. Finally, Daniel had chocolate milk and Robert a Coke (19). In sum then, from left-to-right from the waitress's view from behind the counter, the five Summerset County offiicals lunched as follows:

  • Karen Wilcox, County Sheriff: bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, cinnamon roll, coffee
  • John Harmon, Clerk of Courts: hamburger, lemon meringue pie, Sprite
  • Linda Baker, County Commissioner: egg salad sandwich, chocolate cake, tea
  • Robert Jones, Register of Wills: hot dog, hot fudge sundae, Coke
  • Daniel Stahl, Justice of the Peace: tuna melt, apple dumpling, chocolate milk

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