The Cable Guy
The Cable Guy makes repairs and installs service in five Saturday appointments.
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Last Saturday, cable repairman Jim Carey made five visits to different area homes, one to the Nixon family, to either repair system problems or install new Noncomcast cable service. The appointments were at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 and 2:00 p.m., with each family living on a different Summerset street. Given the schedule below, you should be able to determine Jim's Saturday: the family he visited, where they live, and the service he performed during each appointment.

  1. Neither the family who had no TV connection nor the family whose internet connection was down is the Pearsons.
  2. Jim's appointment with the Morris family was two hours before his trip to the home on School Ave.
  3. One hour after restoring telephone service in one home, Jim was at the Pearson residence.
  4. Neither the family who was having TV problems nor the family who had Noncomcast installed is the family who lives on Elm St.
  5. The Jensons aren't the family on School Ave.
  6. The 9:00 appointment wasn't the one on Valley Rd.
  7. Jim's next appointment after the Hansons was to the family on Airport Way, who weren't the ones whose internet service was out.
  8. The problem at the home on Church Blvd. wasn't with the internet.
  9. The family who had cable installed Saturday isn't the Jensons.
  10. Two hours after restoring TV service at one address, Jim was at the home on Church Blvd.
  11. The faulty modem Jim replaced wasn't at the Morris residence.