From the introduction, no two of the boys ended up simply exchanging
Transformers cards. By clue 1, the Transformers card Kevin brought ended up
in the possession of the boy who traded away the Megatron card. By clue 3,
the Vaughn boy's Transformers double ended up in the possession of the boy
who traded away the Optimus Prime card. So, Kevin and the Vaughn boy are
two different boys. Since the Vaughn boy didn't have the Megatron card
to start with (clue 1), the boy who had the Megatron double is a third friend to
Kevin and the Vaughn boy. Similarly, since Kevin didn't trade away the
Optimus Prime card (10), the boy who started with the Optimus Prime card is
a fourth Transformers fan to the three already named. By clue 11, the boy who
traded away the Bumblebee card ended up with the Megatron card. Since
Kevin's card ended up with the boy who brought the Megatron card (1), from
the introduction, Kevin didn't end up with the Megatron card, or the two boys
would have simply exchanged Transformers cards. So, the boy in clue 11 is
either the fifth one to the four already enumerated or is the Vaughn boy.
If he were the fifth boy, Kevin's Transformers card double would have gone
to the boy who started with the Megatron card (1) and the Vaughn boy's double
would have gone to the boy who traded away the Optimus Prime card (3). Since
Kevin didn't obtain the Optimus Prime card (10), the Optimus Prime card would
have had to have gone home with the Vaughn boy--but then the Vaughn boy and
the one who traded away the Optimus Prime card would have simply exchanged
cards, contradicting the introduction. So, the Vaughn boy brought the
Bumblebee card and acquired the Megatron card. The boy who started with the
Optimus Prime card ended up with the Bumblebee card (3). Since Kevin's
double went to the boy who traded away the Megatron card (1), the fifth boy's
double went to Kevin and the fifth boy ended up with the Optimus Prime card.
By clue 2, the Porter boy ended up with Nick's double, so the Porter boy
didn't start with Megatron card or he would have gotten Kevin's double (1).
The Porter boy didn't obtain the Optimus Prime card, since Nick didn't bring
the Optimus Prime card (2). The Porter boy isn't Kevin (7). The Porter boy
is the one who traded away the Optimus Prime card and got the Bumblebee card
from Nick Vaughn (2). Neither the Wilson boy (6) nor the Riley boy (9)
started with the Ironhide double, so the Tavares boy did. Since he didn't
end up obtaining the Optimus Prime card (5), he is Kevin. The boy who
brought the Megatron double took home the Ironhide card (1) and is the Riley
boy (6). The Wilson boy traded away the Starscream card, which Kevin ended
up acquiring. Jeff isn't Wilson (8) or Riley (9) and is Porter. By clue 4,
Micah's last name is Wilson, and Ian's is Riley. The five boys swapped
Transformers cards as follows:
- Jeff Porter, Optimus Prime for Bumblebee
- Ian Riley, Megatron for Ironhide
- Kevin Tavares, Ironhide for Starscream
- Micah Wilson, Starscream for Optimus Prime
- Nick Vaughn, Bumblebee for Megatron