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Perry the Parrot
Perry the Parrot "entertains" customers with his salty talk.
August 20, 2007
Neither Dr. Crane (clue 1), Mrs. Esch (5), nor Lt. Bush (8) was the 1st or 5th customer in My Pet Shop on Saturday, so Rev. Drew and Mr. Ash were in one order or the other. Neither Rev. Drew (2) nor Mr. Ash (6) bought a poodle, so the person who bought a poodle wasn't the 1st customer. Neither the person who bought a gerbil (1), parakeet (5), or boa constrictor (8) was the 1st or 2nd customer. Therefore, the person who bought a poodle was the 2nd customer and the one who purchased a neon tetra was the 1st customer. By clues 1, 5, and 8, Perry the Parrot said "Kiss me, cutie pie," "Shuffle the cards and deal," and "How 'bout another beer" 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in some order; by clue 3, the parrot said "Kiss me, cutie pie" to the 1st customer in the pet shop. By clues 5 and 8, the 2nd and 3rd customers heard Perry the Parrot say "Shuffle the cards and deal" and "How 'bout another beer" or vice versa. If the 2nd customer had heard ""How 'bout another beer" and the 3rd customer had heard "Shuffle the cards and deal," by clue 5, Mrs. Esch would have been the 4th customer and the 5th customer would have bought a parakeet. By clue 8, Lt. Bush would have been the 3rd and the person who purchased a boa constrictor the 4th customer. Dr. Crane would have been the 2nd and the person who took home a gerbil the 3rd customer (1). By clue 4, Perry the Parrot would have screeched "I smell a rat" to the 5th customer, with Mrs. Esch then having heard "Polly is crackers"--no (7). So, the 2nd customer did not hear Perry say "How 'bout another beer"; the 2nd customer heard the parrot say "Shuffle the cards and deal" and the 3rd customer heard "How 'bout another beer." By clue 8, then, Lt. Bush was the 4th and the person who purchased a boa constrictor the 5th customer. By clue 5, Mrs. Esch was the 3rd customer and the 4th customer bought a parakeet. Dr. Crane was the 2nd and the person who took home a gerbil was the 3rd customer (1). By clue 4, Perry the Parrot screeched "I smell a rat" to the 4th customer, with the 5th customer then hearing "Polly is crackers." By clue 2, the 1st customer was Rev. Drew and the last pet buyer Mr. Ash. In sum, the five customers who bought pets at My Pet Shop Saturday morning heard Perry the Parrot talk as follows:

  • 1st -- Rev. Drew, neon tetra, "Kiss me, cutie pie"
  • 2nd -- Dr. Crane, poodle , "Shuffle the cards and deal"
  • 3rd -- Mrs. Esch, gerbil, "How 'bout another beer"
  • 4th -- Lt. Bush, parakeet, "I smell a rat"
  • 5th -- Mr. Ash, boa constrictor, "Polly is crackers"

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