From the introduction, the four men sat in a booth, one next to the window
and one next to the aisle on each side. By clue 3, Robert sat directly across
from the man who ordered a Hula Burger; while by clue 7, Ted sat directly
across from the man who had Cajun Fries. Since Ted didn't order the
Hula Burger (6), Ted and Robert did not sit across from each other. If
Ted and Robert had sat next to each other, then the man who ordered the
Hula Burger (3) and the one who picked Cajun Fries (7) would have sat next
to each other on the other side of the table. By clue 2, Jason sat next to
the man who ordered the Tulsa Burger. Jason then would have to be the man
who ordered the Hula Burger, and the man who ordered the Tulsa Burger would
have to be the one who added Cajun Fries--no (clue 4). Therefore, Robert and
Ted did not sit on the same side of the table. Robert sat opposite the man
who ordered the Hula Burger (3), who sat next to Ted, who sat across from the
man who added Cajun Fries to his burger order (7), who was next to Robert.
By clue 8, the man who ordered the BLT Burger sat next to the one who had
Steak Fries. If Ted had ordered the BLT Burger, the man who picked
Steak Fries would have ordered the Hula Burger, a conflict with clue 6.
The man who had Cajun Fries ordered the BLT Burger, and Robert ordered
Steak Fries. By clue 1, Will sat directly across from the man who chose
Gravy Fries. Will is the one who ordered the BLT Burger and Ted the one
who picked Gravy Fries. By elimination, Jason is the man who ordered the
Hula Burger with Curly-Q Fries. Then Ted ordered the Tulsa Burger (3).
By elimination, Robert chose the Three Cheese Burger. Then Robert sat with
the window to his left (5) and Jason with the window to his right, with
Will next to Robert and Ted next to Jason. In sum, the four men sat in the
booth at Burger 'N' Fries as follows:
Robert Jason
Three Cheese Burger Hula Burger
Steak Fries Curly-Q Fries
Will Ted
BLT Burger Tulsa Burger
Cajun Fries Gravy Fries