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Join the friendly blue ogre as he searches for his lost love.
February 25, 2008
By clue 10, Drek encounters Little Red Riding Hood, has an adventure at the Black Bridge, and acquires the cloak of silence in consecutive order first-to-last. Therefore, Drek meets Little Red Riding Hood 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. If Drek meets Little Red Riding Hood 2nd, then by clue 10 the adventure at Black Bridge would be 3rd and the acquisition of the cloak of silence 4th. Since Drek doesn't get the cloak of silence in the Fretful Forest (clue 8), by clue 5, he would meet Little Red Riding Hood in the Fretful Forest and Rumplestiltskin would be the first character he meets. By clue 7, Drek would get the magic pear 3rd and would be on Malady Moor 4th. However, there is no way for clue 9 to work given this arrangement. So, Drek doesn't meet Little Red Riding Hood 2nd. If Drek meets Little Red Riding Hood 3rd, then by clue 10 the adventure at the Black Bridge would be 4th and the acquisition of the cloak of silence 5th. Since Little Red Riding Hood doesn't give Drek King Uther's blade (1), by clue 5, Drek would get the blade at the Black Bridge. By clue 5, Drek's encounter with Rumplestiltskin would be 1st or 2nd. If it were 1st, his adventure in the Fretful Forest would be 2nd or 3rd. If Drek's Fretful Forest adventure were 2nd, by clue 7, he would get the magic pear during his 2nd encounter and cross Malady Moor on his 3rd. Then he would meet Rumplestiltskin at Chatting Cross and Sleeping Beauty 2nd (9). By elimination, his adventure in the Vale of Tears would be 5th. However, there is no way for clue 6 to work given this arrangement. If Drek's Fretful Forest adventure were 3rd, by clue 7, he would get the magic pear during his 1st encounter and cross Malady Moor on his 2nd. Then he would meet Rumplestiltskin at Chatting Cross and Sleeping Beauty 2nd (9). By elimination, his adventure in the Vale of Tears would be 5th. However, again there is no way for clue 6 to work given this arrangement. So, Drek wouldn't encounter Rumplestiltskin 1st. If Drek would meet Rumplestiltskin 2nd and then be in the Fretful Forest 3rd (5), there is no way for clue 9 to work. Therefore, Drek's encounter with Little Red Riding Hood isn't 3rd and must be 1st. By clue 10, Drek's 2nd adventure is at the Black Bridge; and he picks up the cloak of silence 3rd. Since Drek doesn't get the cloak of silence in the Fretful Forest (clue 8), by clue 5, he is in the Fretful Forest 4th and gets King Uther's blade 5th. Also by clue 5, Drek meets Rumplestiltskin either 2nd or 3rd. If Drek meets Rumplestiltskin 2nd, he would be at Chatting Cross 3rd and meet Sleeping Beauty 4th (9). By clue 7, he would get the magic pear from Sleeping Beauty and be on Malady Moor 5th. However, clue 4 cannot work given this arrangement. Therefore, Drek meets Rumplestiltskin 3rd. By clue 3, Drek's Vale of Tears adventure is his 1st. Then his meeting with Rumplestiltskin is at Chatting Cross and the character he meets in the Fretful Forest is Sleeping Beauty (9). By elimination, his 5th adventure is on Malady Moor; and he gets the magic pear from Sleeping Beauty (7). Drek meets Pinocchio 2nd and Puss in Boots 5th (4). He gets the gold coin from Pinocchio and the healing herb from Little Red Riding Hood (2). In sum, Drek gets help on his quest as follows:

  • 1st -- healing herb from Little Red Riding Hood in the Vale of Tears
  • 2nd -- gold coin from Pinocchio at the Black Bridge
  • 3rd -- cloak of silence from Rumplestiltskin at Chatting Cross
  • 4th -- magic pear from Sleeping Beauty in the Fretful Forest
  • 5th -- King Uther's blade from Puss in Boots on Malady Moor

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