Last week, the five-member Summerset County Council, including council
member Cohen, voted on six major bills, with one proposing to establish
a county sales tax. Given the minutes of the meeting below, can you
determine the vote on each bill--the YES/NO total by which it passed
or failed and the vote of each council member on it?
- Five of the bills are the one passed by the council to build a central
library for Summerset County, the one that passed unanimously 5-0,
the one that was defeated by a 3-2 vote, one that was one of the
two bills on which Ian voted YES, and the one that Bailey proposed and
thus voted YES on.
- Council members Gina and Dickey cast the same vote (either both YES or
both NO) on five of the six bills.
- Only John and council member Earhart voted for the proposed ban on
smoking in county parks.
- The vote on the bill to raise the county height restriction on buildings
from 10 to 15 stories was not a unanimous one.
- Helen, who isn't Dickey, and council member Angelico both voted YES on
bills hiring a new police chief and approving the 2008-2009 school budget.
- Kathy voted NO on naming the new police chief.
- No two of the six bills received the same number of YES votes, and no two
Summerset County Council members cast the same number of YES votes.