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Letter Dice 14
Take a chance on your logic and roll the Letter Dice.
March 17, 2008
According to the introduction, each of the 24 faces of the Letter Dice has a different letter on it; the letters Q and X do not appear. Given the word WEAN, we arbitrarily assign W to die 1, E to die 2, A to die 3, and N to die 4. From WOVE, O can't be on die 1 or die 2; while from SOAR, O can't be on die 3. O is on die 4 with N. The V in WOVE is on die 3. From SOAR, S isn't on die 3 with A or on die 4 with O; while from TOES, S isn't on die 2 with E. S is on die 1. Then the R in SOAR is on die 2. The T in TOES is on die 3. From YARN, Y is on die 1. The I in PAIN isn't on die 3 with A or 4 with N; nor is I on die 2 with E (MICE). I is the fourth letter on die 1. The PAIN P is on die 2. From BOIL, L isn't on die 1 with I or on die 4 with O; nor is L on die 3 with A (LAZY). L is on die 2, with the Z in LAZY then on die 4 and the B in BOIL on die 3. From DANK, D is on die 1 and K on die 2 or vice versa. If D were on die 1 and K on die 2, the G in GOAD would be the final letter on die 2. However, there would then be no way to make SUCH. So, the D and K in DANK are on die 2 and die 1 respectively. The GOAD G completes die 1. C isn't on die 1 or 3 (TUCK) or die 2 (MICE). C is on die 4. Then U (TUCK) is the final letter on die 2. M is on die 3 (MICE), as is H (SUCH). The remaining two letters, F and J, complete die 4. In sum, the letters on the four dice of Letter Dice 14 (in order of recovery) are


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