All-Star Puzzles
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All-Stars Baseball Cards
All-Star players cards fill one page of a collector's album.
March 31, 2008
From the introduction, the first page of Billy Ball's 2007 baseball card collection has the nine 2007 Continental League All-Stars displayed in a 3x3 arrangement. By clue 2, the card of the Crows player is between those of Price and the SS in one row; while by clue 10, West's card is between those of Mike and the 3B. Since Mike isn't the SS (clue 7), clues 2 and 10 describe two different rows of cards. By clue 16, All-Star Chuck's card is between those of the Gamblers player and the 1B in one row. Since Price isn't the 1B (11), clue 16 describes a different row than clue 2; and since the 3B isn't on the Gamblers (1), clue 16 describes a different row of cards than clue 10. Therefore, all three rows of cards are given by clues 2, 10, and 16. By clue 12, the RF's card is directly above Ferris's on the page. Since Ferris isn't Chuck (3) and doesn't play for the Crows (12), these cards aren't in the center column in clues 2, 10, and 16. Ferris also isn't Mike (3) and doesn't play 1B or 3B (20), so Ferris is the SS or the Gamblers player in clues 2, 10, and 16. If Ferris were the SS and thus in the same row as Price, the RF in clue 12 would be Mike--no (12)--or the Gamblers player--also no (1). Ferris plays for the Gamblers. Then since Mike isn't the RF in clue 12, the RF must be Price in clues 2, 10, and 16. So, the row in clue 2 is directly above the one in clue 16, with Price's card above Ferris's, the Crows player's above Chuck's, and the SS's above the 1B's. By clue 18, Long's card is directly above Jeff's card, which is directly above the Knights' player's card. If the three cards in clue 16 are in the bottom row, the Knights player is either Chuck--no (3)--or the 1B. If the Knights player were the 1B, Jeff would be the SS--no (7). Therefore, the cards in clue 16 are in the middle row with the clue 2 cards in the top and the clue 10 cards in the bottom rows. Jeff in clue 18 is either Ferris or the 1B. Jeff cannot be Ferris, however, since then both Price's and Long's cards would be above his on the page. Jeff is the 1B, with Long then the All-Star SS (18). Since Mike isn't the Knights player (3), the Knights player whose card is under Jeff's (18) is the All-Star 3B in clue 10. Mike's card is under Ferris' and West's card is under Chuck's in the center column. By clue 5, Drake's card is to the immediate right of Green's. In clues 2, 10, and 16, then, either Jeff Green's card is in the leftmost column of cards and Chuck is Drake or Jeff Drake's card is in the rightmost column of cards and Chuck is Green. If the leftmost column had SS Long's, 1B Jeff Green's, and the card of the 3B from the Knights in it top-to-bottom, the center column would have the cards of the Crows player, Chuck Drake, and West top-to-bottom and the rightmost column would have the cards of RF Price, Gamblers player Ferris, and Mike top-to-bottom. By clue 8, Jeff Green would play for the Rovers and Ellis for the Knights. By clue 4, the Crows player would be Rich Owens and Price would be on the Mudcats. By clue 6, Ferris would be Kurt and Mike on the Bays. However, there is then no way for clue 13 to work. Therefore, in clues 2, 10, and 16, top-to-bottom the leftmost column has RF Price's, Gamblers star Ferris', and Mike's cards; the center column has the Crows player's, Chuck Green's, and West's cards; and the rightmost column has SS Long's, 1B Jeff Drake's, and the Knights 3B's cards. By clue 8, Jeff plays for the Rovers and the Knights All-Star is Ellis. By clue 4, the Crows player is Rich Owens and Long is a Mudcat. By clue 6, Ferris is Kurt, with Mike on the Bays. By elimination, Mike is Trout. Then Kurt is the 2B and Chuck Green plays for the Lynx (13). West is P Alex (9). By clue 14, Steve is Price. Bobby is Long, and Rich Owens plays CF (15). By clue 17, Nick is Ellis and Alex West is a Saint. By elimination, Steve Price plays for the Pioneers. Chuck Green is the All-Star C and Mike Trout the LF (19). In sum, Billy Ball's Continental League 2007 All-Star baseball cards are arranged as follows:

  • RF Steve Price, Pioneers -- CF Rich Owens, Crows -- SS Bobby Long, Mudcats
  • 2B Kurt Ferris, Gamblers -- C Chuck Green, Lynx -- 1B Jeff Drake, Rovers
  • LF Mike Trout, Bays -- P Alex West, Saints -- 3B Nick Ellis, Knights

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