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Dewey, Cheatham, Ouida, Munney, & Howe
Attorneys swap offices in a weekend move.
May 5, 2008
From the introduction, each partner has a suite of offices on a different floor 1st-5th of the firm's building; and all five partners moved per their operating agreement. By clue 4, Jeff moved down two floors, while Alex moved up to Jeff's old office. Jeff therefore started on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor. If he had been on the 3rd floor before the move, Jeff would have been on the 1st floor afterward. Since Alex wasn't on the 2nd floor before the move (6), he would have started on the 1st floor. Since Howe moved up one floor (clue 7) and thus couldn't be Alex or Jeff, who would each have moved two floors, Howe would have started on the 4th and ended up on the 5th floor. Since Howe isn't the partner who specializes in Tax Law (7), Howe would be Erica in clue 10. Since Tony moved up in the building (2), he would have started on the 2nd floor and ended up on the 4th. By elimination, Chad would have started on the 5th floor and moved down to the 2nd floor--a conflict with clue 1, which says that the most any partner moved up or down is two floors. So, Jeff didn't start on the 3rd floor. If Jeff had moved from the 4th floor down to the 2nd floor, since Alex didn't start on the 2nd floor (6) and moved up two or fewer floors (1), Alex would have been on the 3rd floor before moving into Jeff's 4th floor office. Since Alex isn't Dewey (6), in clue 10, Alex would be the partner who specializes in Tax Law. Then by clue 10, Jeff would be Dewey. However, there is no way for clue 9 to work given this arrangement. Therefore, Jeff had the office on the 5th floor and moved down to the 3rd floor, while Alex took Jeff's place on the 5th floor. Since Alex isn't Dewey (6), in clue 10, Alex is the partner who specializes in Tax Law. Then by clue 10, Jeff is Dewey. By clue 9, Cheatham moved down two floors; since Cheatham isn't Erica (3), in clue 10, Cheatham must be the partner who ended up on the 1st floor--where the partner who specializes in Civil Law's old office was (9). Cheatham's old office was on the 3rd floor (9). Then Alex's upward (4) move must have come from the 4th floor (1). Tax Law specialist Alex isn't Howe (7). Howe moved up one floor (7); Howe must be the partner who specializes in Civil Law, moving from the 1st to the 2nd floor. By clue 10 and the arrangements of the four pre- and post-move locations so far, Erica must have moved from the 2nd floor to the 4th floor. By clue 8, Alex must be Munney, and Erica as the Corporate Law attorney took over Alex's old office. By elimination, Erica is Ouida. Tony is Howe and Chad Cheatham (2). By clue 5, Chad is the Property Law and Jeff the Criminal Law specialist. In sum, Dewey, Cheatham, Ouida, Munney, & Howe partners had offices before and have offices after the weekend move as follows:

  • 5th floor: Jeff Dewey, Criminal Law -- Alex Munney, Tax Law
  • 4th floor: Alex Munney, Tax Law -- Erica Ouida, Corporate Law
  • 3rd floor: Chad Cheatham, Property Law -- Jeff Dewey, Criminal Law
  • 2nd floor: Erica Ouida, Corporate Law -- Tony Howe, Civil Law
  • 1st floor: Tony Howe, Civil Law -- Chad Cheatham, Property Law

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