Last Friday morning when broker Scott Short-Sellers answered the first
five calls from clients, each of the five different investors who called
placed an order for a different number of shares of Oyl Energy stock.
Can you solve this Challenger Logic Puzzle by finding each investor's
full name, the number of Oyl shares he or she purchased, and the order
1st-5th in which the orders were placed?
- Ben and fellow investor Buffett are Short-Sellers' newest clients.
- Helen purchased twice as many shares as investor Ellison, whose
order wasn't the last of the five on Friday.
- Investor Schwab, who isn't Michael, bought 3,000 shares of Oyl stock.
- Investor Gates placed a purchase order earlier in the morning than
Cynthias did; Gates bought 1,500 fewer shares than Cynthia.
- Icahn's order was placed earlier than Ben's was.
- Michael placed his order immediately after the Buffett; Michael bought
2,500 fewer shares than Buffett did.
- Jack placed his order immediately before investor Icahn did;
Icahn bought 1,250 more shares of Oyl Energy than Jack did.
- Two of the orders were 250 shares apart in number purchased;
all other number of shares purchased differed by more than 250.