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Number Pyramid 13
Our 13th Number Pyramid doesn't need luck to solve.
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July 21, 2008
A Number Pyramid is composed of the 10 different numbers 0-9 with a top row of 1 number resting on a second row of 2 sitting on a third row of 3 supported by a bottom row of 4. For example, a Number Pyramid could be:

    1 2
   3 4 5
  6 7 8 9

Given the clues below, can you determine the composition of Number Pyramid 13?

  1. The four numbers in row 4 sum to 28.
  2. The biggest number in row 3 is in the middle of the row.
  3. The 3rd number from the left in the bottom row isn't 7.
  4. The rightmost numbers in the four rows total 11.
  5. 0 and 5 are in different rows of Number Pyramid 13.
  6. The number at the apex minus the leftmost number in row 2 equals 4.
  7. The leftmost numbers in the four rows sum to 20.

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