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Glen Echo Coaches
Area football coaches discuss the upcoming season on sports radio.
August 8, 2008
From the introduction, a different Metro Conference head football coach was on the air each day Monday-Friday. By clue 3, Mike was on the show either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. If Mike had been on "Sports Call-In" on Monday, with the Mustang Ridge coach then on air on Tuesday and Coach Holmgren on air Wednesday, since Mike doesn't coach at Wild Lake High (clue 6), in clue 5, the Wild Lake coach would have been on "Sports Call-In" on Wednesday, Joe on Thursday, and Coach Carroll on Friday. By clue 1, Coach Gibbs would be Joe. Neither Bobby (1) nor Al (2) would be Coach Carroll, who would then be Tom--no (5). If Mike had been on Tuesday's program, with the Mustang Ridge coach then on air on Wednesday and Coach Holmgren on air Thursday, since Mike doesn't coach the Wild Lake team (clue 6), in clue 5, the Wild Lake coach would have been on the program on Monday and Coach Carroll on Friday. Neither Bobby (1), Al (2), nor Joe (5) would be Coach Carroll, so Tom would--no (5). So, Mike was on "Sports Call-In" on Wednesday, with the Mustang Ridge head coach then on the air on Thursday and Coach Holmgren on air on Friday. By clue 5, Monday's guest was the Wild Lake High mentor and Tuesday's was Joe. Since Mike isn't Warner (6), by clue 2, Warner is the Mustang Ridge coach and Al is Holmgren. Mike is Coach Carroll (5). By clue 1, Bobby was Monday's and Coach Gibbs Tuesday's guest. Bobby, by elimination, is Coach Malone; and Coach Warner is Tom. Neither Joe Gibbs (1) nor Al Holmgren (1) coaches the Glen Echo team, so Mike does. Joe Gibbs is head coach at Chad's Ford High and Al Holmgren at Hill Valley (4). In sum, the head coach guests on this week's "Sports Call-In" were

  • Mon.: Bobby Malone, Wild Lake
  • Tue.: Joe Gibbs, Chad's Ford
  • Wed.: Mike Carroll, Glen Echo
  • Thu.: Tom Warner, Mustang Ridge
  • Fri.: Al Holmgren, Hill Valley

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