Matching Shades, Again Show your eye for color by matching each hue with its base color according to Merriam-Webster.
Famous Movie Lines, #76-100 Can you match each memorable line from picks 76-100 on AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Movie Quotes list with the film in which it was said?
State Nicknames IV What nickname on the right does each state on the left have?
Post-Civil War Presidents Counting Grover Cleveland's first term only, in what order (1=first, 10=last) did these 10 men serve in the office after Abraham Lincoln?
African Neighbors: Capitals In this tough geography quiz, pair the capitals left and right of two African nations that border each other.
Dramatic Choices 2010-19 Test your knowledge of modern American theater by matching each playwright with his or her Pulitzer-winning drama in the last decade.