| Freebirds Birds take flight along with 23 changes in this Utagawa Kunitsuna work.
 | Flower Shop Find a dozen roses and 20 changes at this Telegraph Avenue flower store.
 | Yorkfest Celebrate 250 years with 21 changes to this York mural.

 | Chinatown This back street in Chinatown offers hidden delights--a 21-change Spot the Difference.
 | Ben Franklin Discover 22 changes in this stained glass tribute to Benjamin Franklin.
 | Flying Fish Grill Tacos, jambalaya, and 20 changes await visitors to this Half Moon Bay delight.
 | Trick or Treat All the ghouls and ghosts love the fun of Halloween--and the fun of a 22-change Spot the Difference Puzzle.
 | The Harbormaster's Boat Join the Annapolis Harbormaster on patrol and find the 20 differences between the two photos.
 | On Broadway The Great White Way makes a great 20-change Spot the Differences Puzzle.
 | Stuff Lots of stuff makes it a challenge to find the 21 differences in today's puzzle.
 | New York Ferry Terminal Catch the ferry to Governor's Island and catch the 20 changes we made to this Lower Manhattan scene.
 | Life in Imperial China There's a lot of action on in this Chinese street scene, including 21 differences between the two photos.
 | Killer Trash This Fell's Point shop offers an eclectic mix of merchandise--and a 20-change puzzle.
 | Bull Market Wall St. visitors look for the bull to bring finanical success, while solvers look for 24 differences
 | In Days of Old ... when knights were bold, heroes and heroines secured their homelands, while we've secured a 23-difference puzzle for you.
 | Let the Light In When you let the light in at the National Cathedral, you get a kaleidoscope of color--and 20 Spot the Differences.
 | American Relic Two things you rarely see anymore--a wooden Indian and a tobacco shop--make a smoking 23-change picture puzzle.
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