"Dancing With the Stars" Professionals Even when their celebrity partners have two left feet, these dancers are still electrifying to watch.
Be GOOD ... at unscrambling these words meaning to be GOOD in one's conduct with others.
First State Capitals Learn a little history by unscrambling these cities that were capitals when their states entered the Union.
Ends In IO You can soon add this puzzle to your folIO of solved Anagram Lists.
Pulitzer Prize Dramas, Too More great American theater rewarded with the great prize.
A Castle Glossary 14 vital parts of a medieval castle await.
Peninsulas of the World Can you unjumble these areas of land surrounded by water and connected to a mainland by an isthmus?
Women at the End Don't be a killJOY--just anagram these words which end in female first names.
Nursery Rhymes Children have been enjoying these verses for centuries.
Famous People--E It won't be E-asy to Anagram these famous folks whose surnames start with E.