Things That Are Spread Spread your Anagramming wings and solve for these Things that are Spread.
I Gotta Feeling We bet the Black Eyed Peas could solve these scrambles of words synonymous with a feeling or perception.
Income Solving these Anagrams of sources of Income will pay a handsome psychic reward.
French Historical Figures Figures from centuries of France's rich and tumultuous history are gathered in today's puzzle.
Better LATE Than Never When you begin to unscramble each of these words, you can isoLATE LATE as the last four letters.
GOOD ___ We're sure you'll do a good job unjumbling these words and phrases that follow GOOD to form common expressions.
Winged Creatures of Fact and Fiction You'll fly high when you solve this puzzle of real and imaginary people and animals with Wings.
Bank on It Cash out by anagramming these terms associated with Banks and Banking.
F-M on Your Dial Words FroM F to M ForM an easier Anacrostic List.
Famous Freds Et Al Fred, Frederick, Freddy, etc.--we have 14 famous ones of fact and fiction here.