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Glen Echo Coaches
Area football coaches discuss the upcoming season on sports radio.
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August 8, 2008
Last week on WPIT-AM's "Sports Call-In," Malone and four other head coaches of Metro Conference football teams--one of Chad's Ford High--were the featured guests of host Greg Gabber. Each coach was interviewed on air and answered telephone questions from listeners on a different night of the week, Monday-Friday. From the show info below, can you find the full name of the coach, and at which high school he coaches, who was on each evening Monday-Friday?

  1. Bobby was on the show earlier in the week than Coach Gibbs, who was on earlier than the Glen Echo High School head coach, who isn't Al.
  2. Coach Warner was on "Sports Call-In" the evening before Al was.
  3. On three consecutive evenings, Mike was the show's guest, then the Mustang Ridge coach was on, and then the Coach Holmgren was Greg Gabber's interviewee.
  4. The Hill Valley High coach who was the guest one evening isn't Gibbs.
  5. Joe was on later in the week than the Wild Lake head coach but earlier in the week than Coach Carroll, who isn't guest Tom.
  6. Mike, who isn't Coach Warner, doesn't coach at Wild Lake High.

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