Garbledegook 327 Sorry (heh-heh). Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 326 No, not at all. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 325 Then we'd better start staying in bed longer. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 324 "Willllllllllllliiiiiiiiam!" Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 323 Sharing the spark. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 322 There are no sweeping vistas in a valley. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 321 Why we love all those wild ties in the closet. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 320 For us, it was when there was no "American Bandstand." Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 319 No use shutting the barn door then. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 318 Also known as the All-Star Puzzles Syndrome. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 317 Worth two in the bush on the other side of the fence. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 316 The sands of time. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 315 Well, they are X's and Y's while we're BB's. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 314 The fickle finger of fate. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 313 Sign us up for the posse. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 312 A molehill. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 311 An applied science. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 310 We thank our lucky stars for GPS. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 309 Oh, boy, Fantasyland! Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 308 Otherwise there'd be a big meltdown. Select difficulty: | | | |
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