Garbledegook 607 So is Grandpa. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 606 Otherwise, you'll be hanging on for dear life. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 605 Aw, c,mon. Try it. You'll like it. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 604 Even that's in doubt these days. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 603 This is true, except in a Presidential election year. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 602 Kenny Rogers couldn't have said it better. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 601 A PhD from the school of hard knocks. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 600 If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 599 Could you carry my old kit bag for a while, sweetie? Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 598 Send in the clones. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 597 Just ask Peter Pan. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 596 Hmmmmmm. Maybe we got this turned around backwards. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 595 He could put on his rose-colored glasses and pretend not to see it. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 594 The neverending story. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 593 The sound of silence. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 592 Eat, drink, and gather ye rosebuds while ye may! Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 591 He should take the Fifth Amendment. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 590 A bottomless pit. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 589 Sweaty palms time. Select difficulty: | | | |
Garbledegook 588 Not a form of Braille we recommend. Select difficulty: | | | |
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