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Quotes with multiple typos confound even eagle-eyed solvers.
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February-March 2009

Garbledegook 727
One could add "myself to your money" to complete the thought.
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Garbledegook 726
CEOs, are you listening?
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Garbledegook 725
We don't buy this.
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Garbledegook 724
Pure magic.
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Garbledegook 723
We hope it has brought its lunch.
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Garbledegook 722
Now that's 100% effort.
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Garbledegook 721
Raison d'etre.
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Garbledegook 720
Link arms, Sean.
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Garbledegook 719
It's a mad, mad, mad place.
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Garbledegook 718
Cause and effect.
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Garbledegook 717
Talk about shutting the barn door after the cows are gone ...
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Garbledegook 716
He just got off the Freeway.
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Garbledegook 715
About two seconds will do.
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Garbledegook 714
Planetary potentiality.
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Garbledegook 713
AKA Mr. Pointy Hair.
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Garbledegook 712
Beep beep!
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Garbledegook 711
Censor at work.
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Garbledegook 710
Let's start by closing off K Street.
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Garbledegook 709
Unfortunately, Wall Street is senseless.
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Garbledegook 708
Windex for the soul.
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